Tuesday, September 1, 2009

BerkShares: Local Currency for the Berkshire Region
Ron Paul Blasts Secret Government Running Economy

Bailout Problems

Congressman Ron Paul Schools Bernanke on the Bailout Plan   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv6rQ0U01Yc&feature=related

Sunday, August 30, 2009

LOTS of info on Obamacare


Friday, August 21, 2009

Socialized Medicine? pt. 1

Unsure: which Canadians or Brits like socialized medicine? see link:http://abcnews.go.com/vide


We can invite the gov't into our lives, but there's always a price to pay, and no perfect answer in this life. I know that people outdoors WILL get the money I give.

Trust a government that spends several hundred on a... chair?? they've also screwed up minor things, too, like... wars. and denying illnesses, & benefits to care for them to war vets. & as of when i was in public schools, those too, esp. (!) compared with Europe & S. Africa (just from memory). oh, & elections:

Our own laws do not require the electoral college to vote according to the majority. And of course ballots get "lost", i.e. Bush's 2nd term.

Resources: Naomi Wolf lecture: "The End of America" and book

Video: "End Game"
Both are on www.youtube.com. The content is not rhetoric. It can save or doom our freedoms.